Emma Hart Willard School is committed to maintaining a school climate and culture that promotes high academic expectations, as well as positive social and behavioral outcomes for students. Our Safe School Climate Plan details the current status and goals related to our school climate. Both students and staff at Willard School work to achieve these outcomes in many ways, including:
Character Education
Our work is focused on the Pillars of Character: caring, citizenship, fairness, respect, responsibility, and fairness. A staff committee meets to plan and implement various classroom lessons throughout the school year. Teachers also implements character lessons in various ways, including morning meeting and other responsive classroom strategies.
Bucket Filling
Have you filled a bucket today? All classrooms use the bucket filling philosophy to promotes respect and empathy towards others, as well as positive self-esteem. As students move through different grade levels, activities may include: read aloud, role playing, filling a classroom bucket, certificates, and creating classroom rules. Each month one student is each class is recognized for their bucket-filling contributions to the school. These awards are a school-wide effort to promote student success in academics, behavior, and social interactions. The awards are announced during monthly grade-level assemblies and are hung up on a bulletin board outside of the main office.
Code of Conduct
The Code of Conduct hangs proudly throughout our school. As it is introduced to students, teachers discuss what each expectation of conduct looks like throughout different aspects of the school day.