
Student Life

Emma Hart Willard Elementary School students may participate in a variety of co-curricular activities, providing them with opportunities to enrich their learning while developing their own unique talents.

After School Activities

The After School Adventures program allows kindergarten through fifth grade children the opportunities to learn new skills and expose them to artistic, recreational and academic experiences in a fun and safe environment. Each session lasts eight weeks and meets one day a week for an hour. Classes offered vary throughout the school year based on student interests, but include the areas of Art, Science, Technology, Physical Education, and Language Arts.

Willard This Week (Student Newscast)

Students in fourth grade have the opportunity to participate in a recorded newscast in which they practice collaborating with their peers and working on their speaking skills. The students create various segments sharing out on different topics of their interest. The segments are recorded into a short newscast that is shared within the school.


The Drug Abuse Resistance Education, or D.A.R.E. program is offered to all grade five students at Berlin public schools. The program teaches students good decision making skills to help them lead responsible lives and enhance safety in schools, neighborhoods, and communities.

Instrumental Band

In grades four and five, students at Willard School are offered an opportunity to choose from a variety of instruments and join the school band; these instrumentalists showcase their skills by performing in both a winter and spring concert.

Field Day

Staff and students participate in a day of collaborative and cooperative activities during our annual Field Day! Students are encouraged to show their support by cheering on their peers.

Summer Reading

Berlin Public Schools offer a summer reading challenge for all students, kindergarten through grade 5. In collaboration with the Berlin-Peck Memorial library, this program encourages students to engage in reading a variety of books over the summer to enhance reading skills and Foster a lifelong love of learning.